Blackjack game online play for real money or download the latest apk for free,blackjack, also called twenty-one and pontoon, gambling card game popular in casinos throughout the world. Its origin is disputed, but it is certainly related to several French and Italian gambling games. In Britain since World War I, the informal game has been called pontoon.
Blackjack game onlinee rules
Players hope to get a total card value of 21 or to come closer to it, without going over, than the dealer, against whom all betting is done. For this purpose aces count as 1 or 11, face cards as 10, and the rest at their index value.

A hand counting 21 on the first two cards (an ace and a 10 or face card) is called a natural or a blackjack. Suits are irrelevant. In most varieties of the game, a player receiving two cards of the same rank may split them, receiving a second card for each, and play the two hands independently of each other.
Another common rule is to allow “doubling down” with two cards that total 11 (in some variants 11 or 10)—the player doubles the bet, turns up the cards, and takes one more card facedown. In some games a player wins extra by getting five cards without “going bust” (going over 21).
How to play blackjack
The objective in blackjack is to beat the dealer. There are three ways of doing this: get 21 with your first two cards without the dealer also hitting 21, get a hand higher than the dealer without exceeding 21, or let the dealer go over 21, called going ‘bust’.
In blackjack, the player is dealt 2 cards and the dealer is dealt 1 card. The player then has to decide whether to take another card (hit) or stick with the existing hand (stand). You can keep taking cards until you choose to stop or go over 21.

All cards count as their face value except Jack, Queen and King which all count as 10, and the Ace which counts as 1 or 11.
After the player has finished taking cards or has gone bust, the dealer reveals his hand. The dealer has to play by the blackjack rules. This means he to keep taking cards until he either hits 17 or more, or goes bust.

After the dealer has finished acting, the hands are compared. If the player hand is higher than the dealer’s hand, the player wins. If the dealer goes bust the player wins. But remember the player always acts first, so if the player busts their own hand first, they lose.
There are a couple of other options when playing blackjack.
You can ‘double down’ and ‘split’. Doubling down means you double your initial bet and in exchange get one more card. If your first two cards have the same value, you can ‘split’ them into two separate hands. Always remember that a Blackjack after a split is counted as a regular 21, not a blackjack.
Another option is the insurance bet. If the dealer’s exposed card is an ace, you can get ‘insurance’ against the dealer getting a blackjack. This is a side bet that pays 2:1 if the dealer gets blackjack. If the dealer doesn’t get blackjack you lose the insurance bet.
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