Tongits online game is one of the most popular contemporary card games for Filipinos, its origins are still unknown, but it was first popularized by Ilocanos. It is believed to have been first played in Pangasinan in the mid-1980s and then known as “tung-it”. The game is compared to Mahjong, another popular Asian game, which shares similarities with Rummy.
Tongits online game game rules
Tongits uses a standard deck of 52 cards and has a maximum of four players. Each player is dealt 12 cards, with the dealer getting 13; the rest of the cards are left in a central stack. The objective of the game is to use up all the cards in the hand in set combinations, built either by using the other players’ discarded cards or those drawn from the central stack.
How to start playing Tongits
This is played by 3 players, the dealer deals out 12 cards to each player and an extra card for the for them for a total of 13 cards. The dealer will start first, by discarding 3 straight flush or trio (tapon), then the next player (the one to the right) can choose either to take the discarded cards or pick a card from the deck (bunot).

If the player chooses to pick the discarded cards then the player has to discard 3 cards with the card the player picked up. If the player chooses to pick a card from the deck, it will just complete the flush or trio and no need to open their cards. A player also has options to connect (sapaw) to any set of open cards, either by extending the straight flush or adding 1 card to a trio making it a 4 of a kind.
After that move a player has to discard one card to end the turn. One of the best strategies is to drop at least one completed cards to make it difficult for the other player to call a draw. There are also some tong-it things to avoid; out of cards meaning when the deck is gone and one of the players completes their card the game is over.
Each player will count their cards, whoever has the lowest number of cards wins. Tong-it, a player can call this if one is able to drop and connect all the cards at hand. A player can call a draw if one had opened the card and thinks that the opponent has a higher point total. If a player called a draw and nobody opened then the caller wins the game. If a player has burned cards (sunog) meaning the game ended and still has not opened the cards, he has to pay the winner extra (if playing for money).
Different rules for online casinos
In this game, there are ways of betting if it is a money game. A peso is dropped into the pot for winning, and an extra peso for tong-it, sunog,and draw. The winner of the game is called hitter, who will be in charge of dealing the next round.
Indeed, this simple card game had gained much popularity. The rules are very easy to understand. Moreover, it is really fun and it can really take away one’s boredom. Not to mention, earning a few bucks.
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