Rummy Circle is India’s largest rummy website and a flagship product of Play Games24x7, a pioneer in the Indian online and mobile gaming space. Today, they are the highest-grossing mobile gaming business with millions of users across the country. It was started way back in 2006 when their founders who had a great passion for online gaming saw the potential in bringing online games to a nascent Indian market and established the business in Mumbai.
Rummy Circle’s business was scaling at a great pace with more and more users signing up on a daily basis. They wanted to ensure that their technical team and infrastructure is well equipped to handle the exponential growth they were witnessing. Without a carefully coordinated combination of software development and IT operations (DevOps), businesses risk impacting the software release cycle, slowing time to market, and being overtaken by faster-moving competitors.
CloudCover helped Rummy Circle innovate and transform their legacy applications running on-premise by moving them to AWS and further re-architect them to make them cloud-ready. The main focus here was to reduce the time to delivery and improve scalability by making all the processes faster and simpler in the entire organization.

To achieve more fault tolerance and scalability
Maintain high availability of customer’s infrastructure and thereby improve the pace and quality of deliverables
Cost-effective provisioning and maintenance of immutable infrastructure using infrastructure-as-code
To leverage the advantage of Spot Instances to run and scale applications and thereby reduce operational costs
Find circle rummy in the google app store
RummyCircle’s ultimate rummy offers the best rummy gaming experience on Android devices. It’s powered and brought to you by Rummy Circle, which is India’s most popular rummy website. While you enjoy the awesome gameplay, RummyCircle ensures the best output and reliability. Thanks to the ever-expanding user-base of 40 Million, RummyCircle is the best place to start your rummy adventure – be it a bet, classic or deals rummy.
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